For several years now, the Golf de Roquebrune team has been actively involved in a rigorous and ambitious ecological approach. One of the key elements of this commitment is the responsible and thoughtful management of water, a precious resource especially in times of drought. Using water from the Canal de Provence, the golf course feeds a retention lake located near hole number 2. Three pumps equipped with independent meters ensure precise management of this resource, guaranteeing optimal, sustainable use.

But the ecological effort doesn’t stop there! Golf de Roquebrune is also considerably reducing its use of phytosanitary products. Following the letter of the Labbé law, the golf course limits these products to the greens and tees, preferring natural solutions such as aeration and sanding to maintain the course in optimum condition while respecting the environment.

Located in a unique natural setting, between vineyards and Mediterranean forest, the Golf de Roquebrune makes it a point of honor to preserve and enhance its exceptional biodiversity. Thanks to a close collaboration with Auddicé Environnement, the golf course has identified a number of remarkable species present on the course, such as the pretty southern tree frog, the magnificent moth Machaon, the ringed dragonfly Trithémis and a variety of fascinating birds.

A number of original initiatives have been taken to protect this exceptional biodiversity. The golf course leaves certain areas to late mowing, providing a valuable refuge for local wildlife. Ecological corridors have been set up to help animals move freely around the estate, and wetlands preserved through respectful management of the banks. In addition, replanting programs using local tree species and the fight against invasive species ensure the long-term health of the ecosystem.

And that’s not all! The golf course also organizes exciting educational activities. Birdhouses and insect hotels, built with the enthusiastic participation of young golfers, dot the course. These initiatives give everyone a better understanding and appreciation of local biodiversity.

The Silver Label rewards the tremendous work accomplished by the Roquebrune Golf Club. Proof that sport and respect for nature can coexist perfectly, to the delight of golfers and the planet. Come and discover this magnificent course committed to a greener, more responsible future!