
The Eco-Responsible Management of Roquebrune Golf

Roquebrune Golf, located between land and sea in the commune of Roquebrune-sur-Argens, is fully committed to sustainable environmental management while offering an exceptional golfing experience. Aware of current ecological challenges, the golf course has integrated the “Golf for Biodiversity” program.

Actions Taken to Address Ecological Challenges at Roquebrune Golf

Roquebrune Golf has been deeply committed to the ecological transition for several years now, with every action taken on the course carefully considered to ensure the protection of natural resources and the surrounding biodiversity.

The grounds team focuses its work around three core pillars that form the foundation of responsible maintenance:

  • Water management
  • Biodiversity preservation
  • Controlled use of productsThe course at Roquebrune Golf is a true mosaic of natural and semi-natural habitats, covering approximately 54% of the total area. This diversity of habitats encourages the presence of many local species. In particular, there are oak forests, Mediterranean scrublands, wetlands, and meadows that are beneficial to biodiversity.

    Among the species present on the site, some are protected, such as the Hermann’s Tortoise and the Ocellated Lizard, two emblematic species of the region that benefit from national action plans for their protection.

La préservation de la biodiversité

La préservation de la biodiversité

The course at Roquebrune Golf is a true mosaic of natural and semi-natural habitats, covering approximately 54% of the total area. This diversity of habitats encourages the presence of many local species. In particular, there are oak forests, Mediterranean scrublands, wetlands, and meadows that are beneficial to biodiversity.

Among the species present on the site, some are protected, such as the Hermann’s Tortoise and the Ocellated Lizard, two emblematic species of the region that benefit from national action plans for their protection.

La gestion de l'eau

La gestion de l'eau

Roquebrune Golf implements a thoughtful water management system, essential in this Mediterranean region with limited rainfall. The golf course’s water points are meticulously maintained to ensure their longevity and prevent drying out. Additionally, retention ponds are used to collect rainwater and supply sensitive areas.


L'utilisation contrôlée de produits

L'utilisation contrôlée de produits

Since 2025, the golf course has complied with new environmental regulations prohibiting the use of phytosanitary products. Roquebrune Golf favors mechanical methods for maintaining the greens, fairways, and roughs, while upholding high playing standards. These practices aim to minimize environmental impact and preserve soil quality.

Label pour la biodiversité

Label pour la biodiversité

The golf course has committed to the Golf for Biodiversity program, which aims to better understand and promote natural heritage while preserving the biodiversity present on the grounds. This program is based on three levels of continuous improvement and certification, with Roquebrune Golf having already achieved the Silver label in 2022 thanks to its ongoing efforts in sustainable management.


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