
Biodiversity Label

Silver Biodiversity Label

Roquebrune Golf is proud of its commitment to biodiversity protection and is currently on track to receive the Silver Label awarded by the French Golf Federation (FFGolf) in partnership with the National Museum of Natural History. This label highlights the concrete actions taken on the ground to preserve and promote species diversity, while raising awareness among golfers about the importance of nature in their playing environment.

A Concrete Ecological Commitment

The achievement of this label is the result of meticulous work carried out in collaboration with naturalists who conducted a complete inventory of the species present on the estate. This inventory identified a wide variety of plant and animal species, including birds, insects, and amphibians, that find refuge in the golf course’s various ecosystems, such as wetlands, late-mown roughs, and the surrounding woods.

Awareness Panels for Golfers

As part of its ecological project, the golf director, Hugo Oliveira, aims to further raise player awareness. He envisions installing educational panels at the start of each hole. These panels will inform golfers about the specific biodiversity of each part of the course, explaining the importance of conserving local species.

These initiatives aim to encourage players to appreciate golf from a new perspective, becoming aware of the rich nature surrounding them.

A Story for Each Hole: Birdhouses

To reinforce this approach, each hole on the course will be associated with a specific birdhouse, designed for local species such as bats or woodpeckers. This project aims to create a connection between the game and nature, while providing additional habitats for species. In addition to their ecological role, these birdhouses will enhance the beauty of the course and offer golfers the opportunity to observe wildlife up close.

Hugo Oliveira emphasizes, “Even though we are primarily a golf course, it is essential to show the biodiversity that exists here and to take golfers beyond just the game.” This approach contributes to creating a truly immersive experience where each player becomes a privileged witness to the richness of the golf course’s biodiversity.

A Communication and Awareness Tool

The Silver Label is more than just recognition. It is a valuable tool for communicating the golf course’s ecological efforts and for raising awareness among players about the importance of preserving nature. With this label, Roquebrune Golf strengthens its image as a key player in ecological transition, demonstrating that environmental protection and golf can coexist harmoniously.

By continuing to work towards biodiversity preservation, Roquebrune Golf ensures that its natural heritage is protected for future generations. We invite our visitors to join us in this endeavor by respecting the established rules and contributing to the delicate balance between sport and nature.

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