Water management

Roquebrune Golf places great emphasis on a thoughtful and responsible management of its water resources, adopting practices that protect the environment while maintaining optimal playing conditions.

  1. An Essential Resource: Water from the Canal de Provence

The water supply for Roquebrune Golf comes primarily from the Canal de Provence, a major advantage in the region that allows the golf course to avoid water shortages even during drought periods. The water is directed to a retention lake located near hole number 2, a key step in managing the course’s irrigation.

Three pumps ensure water distribution:

  • The first pump transports water from the canal to the retention lake.
  • The second pump moves water from the lake to various areas of the course, including the greens and fairways.
  • The third pump manages potable water required for the golf facilities, such as the locker rooms and buildings.

Each pump is equipped with an independent meter, which allows precise monitoring of water consumption and optimizes the use of this valuable resource.

2. Thoughtful and Responsible Management

Although Roquebrune Golf benefits from secured access to water from the canal, the teams remain extremely vigilant about managing this resource. The goal is to avoid unnecessary water waste and strictly comply with departmental regulations in force. For example, certain areas of the golf course, such as the high roughs and the driving range, are not watered during the summer to reduce environmental impact and preserve natural resources.

This approach not only helps maintain reasonable operating costs but also demonstrates the golf course’s commitment to sustainable water management.

3. Varied Infrastructure

Roquebrune Golf, with its historical course, has evolved over the years through various configurations (from 9 to 18 holes). As a result, the irrigation systems vary across different sections of the course. The upper part of the golf course was modernized in 2009, while the lower part still relies on infrastructure dating back to the golf course’s creation. Despite these disparities, the on-site teams are vigilant in harmonizing water management and gradually improving the infrastructure.

4. Reducing Consumption and Preserving Resources

Roquebrune Golf’s water management strategy also relies on optimizing irrigation. The pumping and distribution systems are adjusted to minimize water loss, and special attention is given to priority areas like the greens and fairways. Non-playable areas, such as the roughs, do not receive additional water in the summer, significantly reducing the golf course’s overall water consumption.

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